A Book about Master Jesus. 
The Gospel of Andrew the Apostle

Written by Anna Zubkova
Translated into English by Oleh Muzyka
Corrector of the English translation Keenan Murphy

Artist — Simon Dewey

Table of Contents

                  Conversation with Jesus and Andrew the Apostle about the Significance of Writing This Book
                  Chapter 1: John the Baptist
                  Chapter 2: Baptism

Andrew, addressing Jesus:
"What will remain of your words,
When men have retold them…
When they rewrite them according to their own understanding
And deny what they could not understand?"

"What will remain? — My Love and Tenderness,
The Light and Grace of Eternal Life!
And grains of Holy Truth
Will call souls to the Father, to Home!"

From a conversation between 
Andrew the Apostle and Jesus.


        There is an amazing opportunity given by God to the human soul, namely, the opportunity to feel God, to know God, to merge with God, to become One with Him!
        This opportunity is unique! It was created by God for people! All Prophets, all Messiahs, all Spiritual Masters who came to people from God the Father spoke about this. They spoke about it in different words and in the different languages of the nations to which their Message was addressed. But the essence of the Teachings has always been the same.
        This occurred in the most ancient times, of which mankind has no memory even in records and legends; it occurred many times in the currently observable history of spirituality on Earth; it is occurring now as well.
        The truth about God and the meaning of human life was usually brought by the Great Teachers at a time when the decline of the spiritual component in the existence of peoples was very noticeable, and the Knowledge of God that had been brought before had already been distorted beyond recognition by priests and rulers. Then for some time, the new spiritual Teachings were spread by the direct disciples and followers of the great Masters of the Spirit. And many of them also attained the state of Divinity, which was called by different words, but meant the union of the soul, which had Fulfilled its destiny, with God.
        However, there were also those who wanted to use the Power that the words of the Teachers possessed for their own popularity, for power over minds, over lands, for profit and enrichment… The knowledge was sometimes distorted beyond recognition, and many sincere seekers of the spiritual Path sometimes found themselves in a deadlock because of a loss of understanding and excessive distortion. And then prophets, Messiahs, Teachers, Masters came to the Earth and told about the steps of spiritual ascent, about cognition of God, about the Laws of Love and Harmony laid down in the foundation of development of the entire Creation.
        It is important to note that even in times of spiritual decline, human souls always have a unique opportunity to touch directly any of the Great Teachers of humanity and to drink from the Eternal Source of Love and Wisdom, Purity and Beauty! There are different ways to do this — and he who seeks them finds them, and "to him who knocks, the doors will always be opened"!
        These possibilities are open for perception right now for those who will read or listen to the words spoken here with love of the heart and aspiration to God, the Creator of all things!
        This book is recorded as a Revelation from Andrew the Apostle. Jesus and the Other, now Divine, Witnesses of those events also take part in it.

Conversation with Jesus and Andrew the Apostle 
about the Significance of Writing This Book

        “Do you remember that is was once said that the main book in your life had not yet been written?… At that time, it was said that it would be a book about Jesus, a book that could be called "Master Jesus"… Almost 10 years have passed since that time and there is already a fragment of this work of yours together with Us in serving people — "The Gospel of Martha".
        Already at that time long ago, you knew that the "Gospel of Andrew the Apostle" could happen as well. You also understood at that time that you lacked much to perceive this Message in Purity and Clarity.
        Today is a great day! You have reached the next level. We bless you to begin with Us this work of writing Our words! This work will take approximately two years. Take your time, but be sensitive and open to perception at all times. We will show and tell and, at the same time, teach you to be like Us through the Knowledge that will be gradually revealed to you and all readers from the pages of this new book.
        In fact, Andrew wrote this Gospel while still alive in his body. It is a very meaningful account of life with Jesus, of the Higher Spiritual Initiations, of the Sacred Knowledge. This Gospel has been preserved and will one day be revealed to mankind.
        … One could spend a lifetime looking for those scrolls. But We propose otherwise — to write down what We are going to tell now, what is also relevant for many seekers and is important for you and for your friends.
        Let's start today!
        Listen… Look…
        Touch with the soul those States of God in which We are living now. Bind these states that you, as a soul, experience with words, phrases, descriptions — and We will come to everyone who reads these written lines.
        Not everyone will feel immediately the Touch of God, not everyone will feel instantly the Bliss of the Other Dimension of Beingness… While the mind doubts and the heart sleeps, there will be only a stream of events retold… But everyone who opens the soul to the Love of God will receive understanding from Us directly, according to the degree to which he or she is ready, to the degree that the soul needs now!
        Be a guide, carrying what you receive!
        What you learn from Us will help you to see the Truth behind the written or spoken words.
        This message is not just sounding for you right now. It is a subtle and complex mechanism — as if a radio channel is broadcasting a certain Spiritual wave. For a multitude of souls, the "waves of this Ether of Love" are being broadcast. And it is time for this message to be heard, without delaying this process in earthly time.
        ..Let the chapters of the book of Andrew the Apostle about Master Jesus gradually become "flesh and blood”. Out of the Immaterial Light, the words will manifest on paper and the episodes of that long history will become visible to the spiritual eye. And, most importantly, the Tenderness, Light, and Love, of which these words are Divinely filled, will flow into the world!

Chapter 1: John the Baptist

        We were waiting for the Messiah in those days! We waited and believed very much that He would be coming soon! We believed in a strong and formidable Divine Messenger who would conquer all enemies, bring deliverance from all oppression, and bring peace and prosperity to the people of Israel.
        But instead, Jesus came with a message of Love and Peace for all the peoples of the Earth for many centuries, and millennia to come…… He came meek and humble in all the Unbreakable Power of Universal Knowledge and Divine Love!
        It was not easy to comprehend this at once. And yet, I recognized Him as God's Messenger, I trusted Him with all my heart, with all my soul, and followed Him… It was not my doing at all — He revealed Himself to me… He chose me as a companion and helper. He allowed me to be with Him, to follow Him all my life! To follow first until His death and resurrection, and then to follow Him still, to a life of service to people, to acceptance of the death of the body, and to the attainment of Eternal Life!
        When I met Jesus, I thought I already knew God's Covenants and had good aspirations for my people. But something special happened and a profound transformation of the soul began. I was overwhelmed and shattered in my little knowledge by the Message of Universal Love that Jesus revealed to people. By him, I was melted down and as if born again — born in Spirit and in Truth.
* * *
        But still, I must begin my story with John, John the Baptist, as he is commonly called today. He was my first Teacher. Without the spiritual Knowledge and skills received from John, I would only have been able to perceive the outward side of what Jesus showed and told me.
        So first let there be a chapter on the prophet John.
        There are many stories in the Scriptures of the people of Israel about the People-Prophets who spoke directly to God. All of us in those days read and heard about it in temples and prayer meetings.
        At that time I attended meetings and talks of the small community of Essenes, and I was even going to join their community. Many things became clearer to me in those gatherings of people who honor high morality. 
        Listening to the speeches in that congregation, I was deeply imbued with the ideas of the Essenes about the rules of living a righteous life, about the principles of kindness and purity.
        The moral standards proclaimed in this community were strict: no blood sacrifices, no recognition of one person's ability to own another as a slave, no usury, avoid luxury, be like brothers and sisters to each other, work hard, help each other in everything, take care of the weak, and use no weapons of any kind. Even some cleansing exercises were then adopted by the Essenes. For example, we did breathing exercises at dawn to strengthen the body and spirit.
        I liked that kind of life and, having completed the probationary period to be accepted as a new member, I was going to become one of the brothers in the community. But there were strict rules and rituals, the meaning of which was lost and replaced only by strict obedience to the elders of the community.
        There was a great reverence for Moses in that community. But none of its members had the ability to hear God or perform anything like the miracles of the Scriptures.
        … But we heard that there was now a prophet in Israel named John, who could hear God and proclaimed the imminent coming of the Messiah.
        Several of the people who attended the Essenes’s  congregation meetings, including me, went to hear John's sermons.
        Seeing a living Prophet was certainly very interesting! We also wanted to dispel doubts that this was not some rogue who gathers crowds of curious people, but a true Prophet. It was said about Him that He had spent many years alone in the desert in strict asceticism — and then He began to hear messages from God!
* * *
        And so we came to the place where John lived and preached.
        We were shocked by what we saw and heard and did not go back to our homes or to the community. We stayed close to John for several years.
        Here we were not only discovering the rules of morality and purity of souls, but the real God became a part of our daily life!
        For those who only came and went, His preaching was very simple. He spoke of cleansing and repentance at the very beginning levels of the process.
        For those who stayed with Him, it was different… He taught special techniques, special methods of quieting the mind and transforming the energies of the body. John had been to distant lands and knew a lot from the spiritual traditions of other peoples and from the use of spiritual practices.
        He explained to us that purification of body, mind, and soul is necessary to be able to perceive the Divine!
* * *
        It is important to remind people of this! In order to become able to perceive God, a deep and comprehensive cleansing is necessary.
        And we gradually learned from John how to do it.
        These ways and methods are not new in the spiritual world. But I repeat this again, because so many neglect purification and repentance when they strive with great pride to master the heights of the Spirit. This often leads to catastrophic delusions and painful falls. And it takes a long time for those who have neglected the initial steps of the Spiritual Path to get out of these broken states.
* * *
        John taught us comprehensively. He taught the transformation of both bodies and souls. The understanding of the laws of purity came to us through fasting and food purification, through understanding and accepting the commandment of not harming anyone with our thoughts, words, and deeds.
        The ability to keep silence, control over speech, truthfulness, honesty even in thoughts before oneself and in words spoken to others. It may seem difficult… But if you really pay attention to your self-justifying thoughts and words, you can see so much.
        The asceticism of external life, where we had almost no possessions and did not have to dream of material prosperity, was also an important part of our training. This strict simplicity of life, in which everything is directed to the knowledge of the Divine, is a definite stage marking the beginning of serious spiritual growth on the Path.
        In the society of those days, as in the society of today, it was customary to judge people by their material wealth, their success in worldly life, and their influence among others…
        This is not to say that people do not need to develop themselves in worldly skills and should not achieve success in earthly affairs. This also develops the body, the mind, and the soul… And without development in the plane of material life, souls do not mature sufficiently to direct their eyes only to spiritual endeavors. But for us, at that time, John revealed a stage of spiritual growth, a stage of striving solely toward God! This is often referred to as monasticism. We did not take any special vows or oaths but simply followed the lessons of John.
        Much in our life with Him was devoted to purification of bodies… It was not only ablutions, not only pure nutrition and fasting, but also energetic purification with the help of special meditative methods. Using special practices, centers of energy in our bodies were opened and inner channels of the streams of Light were purified.
        We talked a lot about God, read the Scriptures, and asked John questions. And He would answer. But He didn't always answer directly, because He taught us to think for ourselves, to learn to understand rather than blindly follow what was written and read in the texts.
        Slowly I came to understand that reading wise texts, listening to inspired conversations is very useful, but it cannot replace spiritual work on oneself-soul and practical meditations on developing the ability of the consciousness-soul to perceive, to feel, to think, to realize. The traps of the earthly mind immerse us in the illusion that what we have heard is already understood, but only the experience of the soul brings indestructible knowledge.
        And very gradually in our lives alongside John, we came to feel the pervasiveness of all things by God, the Real Intimacy of God all the time, in every day of our lives!
* * *
        We also saw John speaking to God, speaking from God!
        It was special! He was transformed during those moments in an incredible way. He became like an empty vessel through which the Divine Light reached the world. The Divine Words found a voice and sounded!
        At that time, I didn't think about it, I didn't understand the difference between a Messiah and a Prophet. It was amazing to me to know that it was even possible to hear God Himself!
        When we saw this happening, we began to understand how to distinguish between those moments of John's Oneness with the Primordial Creating Divine Consciousness and those moments when there was a man with us  — yes, one great in spiritual feats, who had learned much, but who was separated at that moment from the Oneness with the Higher Divine Power.
        John did not work miracles before us with this Power when he merged with it. He did not heal those who were suffering, but He knew this Power of the One, knew how to merge with it for a time and make the Divine Presence perceivable to us, His disciples.
        He brought us closer to God and God to us through his body, his words, the meditations he gave us, and the whole way of life in which we were immersed around him!
        Without this discipleship with John, I could not have become a disciple of Jesus. These were the years of insight and spiritual maturation that allowed all the most important things in my life to happen…

Chapter 2: Baptism

        It is customary for me to be called "the First-Called" — for I was allowed to see Jesus and come up to Him after John had proclaimed Him before the people who had gathered for baptism by the waters of the Jordan River…
        That day was special. John himself probably knew that Jesus was coming, but he did not tell us or the people who gathered to hear him preach.
        John spoke at length before a large group of people who had come to hear him speak and be cleansed.
        Then they came one by one to Him for the symbolic washing and baptism.
        John stood in the waters of the Jordan… The sun was shining. He Himself called by name the one who was to be next baptized, for He saw the condition of the soul and the readiness to repent of former trespasses and accept purification and new life with Faith and Joy.
        The person receiving baptism was immersed in the waters of the Jordan.
        For most, it was only a symbol of purification, a final act of repentance. From this moment on, the ways of iniquity were rejected and faith gave strength to overcome the vices of the soul.
        But for some, there was more: the mind was silent at the moment of immersion in the water, the silence was overwhelming, and the rays of the sun shone through the transparent streams. And the States of the Divine Presence were enhanced by John himself as a Soul. For those who experienced the silence of the soul, for brief moments the space of the Great Silence and the Light of the Divine was opened! It was perceived as a miracle! The touch of the Divine state was remembered by the soul! The first experience of the reality of God occurred if the soul was ready to become aware of it. At any rate, this was the case with myself and with some of my friends whose spiritual experiences I knew well. This is what happened when John baptized us…
        Almost no one who had such an experience without further training could ever reproduce it, but the memory of it remained in the soul and strengthened faith and righteousness in daily life.
        He taught us, those who were left to live with John, to live again and again in the perception of the Divine World through the efforts of the soul in spiritual advancement, through spiritual practices.
* * *
        So we, John's disciples, could see and feel so much more that day. We noticed that amazing change in our surroundings as Jesus began to approach us…
        Everything around us was transformed: the birds stopped their mundane chirping and sang as in the spring mating season…
        And then everything around us was naturally filled with an immovable, special silence that usually required deep meditation to enter. It was as if time had slowed down…
        Not all of the people present felt it. But we did see the One about whom John had told us so much before approaching us. He was walking slowly. A special space of Light surrounded Him. This Light was not seen with the eyes of the body, but was perceived by the vision of the soul.
        We couldn't take our eyes off the face of Jesus, even though outwardly there seemed to be nothing special about His very simple light clothes, the strands of His hair that glinted in the sun, or the fluid movements of His body…
        We all froze in that special Divine Space that He carried with Himself-Consciousness. We were witnesses of how Jesus approached John, of how they embraced one another.
        Then John performed the ordained baptism with the waters. A rainbow shone in the tiniest drops over the surface of the Jordan, signifying the Higher Radiance, Which, at the same time, was now visible to all the people present.
        The manifestation of the solemnity of the moment was felt incredibly brightly. The Divine Luminosity was reflected in everything: in the tides of sunlight in the water, in the rays penetrating the leaves of the trees on the shore… This solemnity, marking the beginning of the Great Service, was also in many worlds of the Universe, which we could not yet perceive!
        John said:
        “Here is the Messiah! He is here! What was destined and foretold is now accomplished!”
        When Jesus came out of the water, many birds, hushed for the duration of the sacrament but now rejoicing in the bliss of what was happening, circled around … Among them was a dove, which is now considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit, for people saw and remembered the external …

Chapter 3. The Calling

        Inviting God into your life, accepting an invitation from God to live with Him, in His Life, to live that way always is a special step. It is a choice of the soul that one follows from then on and forever, no matter how difficult it may be at times!
        It is not prayers, not rituals, it is not even the practice of spiritual immersions into some states, after which one can return to the usual existence in the world, like all people, and sometimes think of oneself as a highly moral and spiritual person — this is something else entirely… This is life with God! It is possible! This is how a person can live, devoting his entire life to God! To do this, one does not have to leave people to go live in a desert, one does not have to have an incarnate Divine Teacher, a Great Master of reforming and readjusting souls, nearby! God Himself helps to perform this work of transfiguration of the consciousnesses-souls entrusted to Him with the help of many types of contacts; this is a living interaction of man and God!
        But we were blessed with more than that: we became companions of Jesus. We began to live in the constant presence of the Divine Master, who came into this world in the flesh!
        We did not always feel the Divine State of the Great Master Jesus. Very often we began to perceive Him in a mundane way, we could argue, insist on our own way, be offended, annoyed…
        He did not make us like Himself by His Power in one moment… Always One with the Will of the Heavenly Father, He gradually taught everyone how to grow to these states, how to stay in them, how to act, being in union with the Holy Spirit.
        We lived in the immediate presence of the Divine Messenger, but sometimes we lost the sense of His divinity… In our minds we always remembered that He was the Messiah, the Teacher, but in reality we lost this awareness quite often.
        … However, at the first encounter, Jesus allowed each of us to feel His Love and Greatness very strongly, even though the states that we experienced were a little different for each of us.
        So vivid was this first encounter for me that it left an indelible mark in the soul, awakened a great love and trust in Him, gave faith and hope, gave strength to follow the chosen path in many difficult situations…
        … I don't know if it was the fulfillment of the laws of destiny or if it was because the call of Jesus was so clear. Was it my decision to choose my life path, or could it not have been otherwise? Maybe it was predestined to happen, but it was also the choice of a soul endowed from above with free will by God.
* * *
        … Jesus.
        …When I first met Him there on the Jordan, it seemed as if I had always known Him before.
        …Jesus came out of the waters of the river … And I felt that if I didn't go with Him right then, everything that had come before would be meaningless.
        He looked at me as if he were peering into the unknown depths of me as a soul. It was as if He was checking me out, looking right through me… Or maybe He could see my probable future, which depended on the choices I had to make at that moment.
        He came very close to me and said: "You can follow Me from now on!"
        And I followed Him…
        I only met John's gaze for a few moments.
        John saw what was happening to me…
        He also saw me wondering if I was betraying Him, John, my Master, in my unrestrained pursuit of the Supreme Master… And my earnest desire to follow Jesus from now on.
        John saw it all. He came up and blessed me, "Follow Him, this is what I've been teaching you for all this time!"
        I guess he knew that we wouldn't see each other again while our bodies were alive.
        I was rushing towards Jesus with all myself-soul… It wasn’t until later, when the news of the death of His body arrived, that I felt sorry that I had not expressed at that moment all the words of my love and gratitude… But the Great Masters always know what is unspoken…
* * *
        This is how Jesus called me…
        We walked in silence for a long time. But the silence was not intense. I felt no embarrassment or fear of Him. It was as if I was floating in the River of Light. A serene bliss, peace, and happiness overtook me, swallowed me whole, and the sense of time disappeared…
        In the heat of the day, we took a short rest in the olive grove. Sitting next to me was Jesus the Messiah, whose coming everyone had been waiting for! The play of light and shadows through the foliage created a special illumination and it seemed to me that everything that was happening was a bit unreal for human life: "Is this possible? Is this really happening to me?"
        Then Jesus asked:
        “Is that what you want, to live with Me to the very end? It won't be easy. There is another way to be devoted to God, while still living an ordinary life as a righteous person.
        “You will have no other home than that of your heavenly Father, you will have no other rest than that of his Abode, you will have no other joy than that of merging with him, you will have no other love than that of his Love for everyone and for everything. Your work will be but a service, you will not receive the same wages or the same gratitude that people receive for their work, because all the fruits of your work belong only to your Heavenly Father, and people will thank Him, not you.”
        “Yes, Jesus, yes! You know that's all my heart longs for! Let me be close to You and learn and help!”
        “Well, this is the beginning of your Path, Andrew. And it's forever!”
        He touched my chest in the area of my heart with His palm — and for a while His Love became the Infinity of the Life of God in me! It happened only for a short time, but I touched the Inclusiveness and Eternity of the Divine Being. Words cannot describe the experience of living this Love of God that comes alive within you. This experience in the memory of the soul is indelible… It cannot be expressed in words… It is the knowledge that God is Alive, God is Real! The One Universal God is manifest in your heart and His Power is in you! And it can always be so with you! After this experience, there remains only the memory of the miraculous penetration of God into the soul and the soul’s movement into God's Universal Love, it cannot be retained at once…
* * *
        We approached the shore of Lake Tiberias, then often called the Sea of Galilee.
        I asked Jesus:
        “May I call my brother Simon, for he too has been waiting for your coming?”
        “All right. Let's go and call him and others with him. Just know that each one finds his own CALL in his own hour. It is not up to you to influence it.”
        When I saw Simon's boat ahead by the shore and himself hanging up his nets to dry, I rushed to my brother and said to him, "There — that's the Messiah!"
        Jesus approached and said: "From now on you will not catch fish, I will make you fishers for men."
        We were surprised, but we didn't ask any questions.
        And after that, the brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were called…
        And then gradually others were added to our little group, and we became twelve…
* * *
        Many people strive to find their purpose, to find meaning in their lives. This is what they call a calling. Many consider music, painting, sculpting, building, or farming as their vocation. And this is true at a certain stage of life and development of the soul. But, the bottom line for all lives is the soul's highest calling — to know their Creator-Father-God! To know and to reunite with Him into One! This is what Jesus taught us. This knowledge we later brought to people as His priceless Teachings! And the only way to approach God is to live in a state of love of the heart, because God is Love!
        …Yes, this TRUTH has been repeated and is repeated many times by many Masters! But without this most tender, comprehensive, forgiving, and understanding love — Mergence with God is impossible! And only love for the Creator Himself allows us to overcome the barrier of separateness from God, to dissolve it without a trace, to become One with Him!

To be continued

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